basic obedience dog training

If your dog is running amuck all over your house, jumping on guests, pulling on leash, struggling with house training, destructive chewing, or just needs to brush up on manners, our obedience dog training packages are the solution.  

Manners & Obedience packages are a fit for you if your dog is struggling with:

Jumping up
Pulling on leash
Coming when called
Manners like sit, down, stay, go lay down, impulse control
Destructive chewing

Schedule your free call


four session package

60 minute initial consult plus three, 45-minute follow-up sessions. 

Includes tailored-to-you resources, training plans, and email support.

six session package

60 minute initial consult plus five, 45-minute follow-up   sessions.

Includes tailored-to-you resources, training plans, and email support. 

Schedule your free call 
Schedule your free call



Struggling with your new puppy?
hands covered scratches from puppy teeth?
Accidents happening all over the house?

View our puppy training packages

we can help!

puppy training

Struggling with your new puppy?
Hands covered scratches from puppy teeth?
House training not going to plan?

Frustrated with reactive outbursts on walks? 

Wondering if you will ever enjoy a "normal" walk with your dog? 

you need this free guide!

follow along on instagram @modernmannersdogtraining